Fabian Weitz

Born in Bochum Germany in 1992, Fabian first discovered his love for electronic dance music
through listening to the radio in 1998 and was fascinated by its energy. A year later he earned
his first Technics record player and Battlemixer by gardening for his neighbours and taught
himself to DJ by repeatedly watching self-recorded VHS tapes of the Love Parade in Berlin.
When he was seven he began regularly visiting record stores and digging for underground
vinyl’s to create a collection of his favourite music. Despite wanting to start earlier, he was
only able to begin regularly playing music in techno clubs and festivals when he was 15 which
is when he made a lifelong friendship with his current production partner Sven Jaeger. At the
age of 16 he took part in a DJ competition judged by a jury of Ante Perry, Oliver Klein and old
school techno legend Nathalie De Borah among others, in which he, as the youngest
participant, achieved the 3rd place out of 150 participants. Three years later, he started his
first events and used his savings to book artists such as Sis from Cocoon. Since he turned 20,
Fabian has found a love for music production, collecting a variety of hardware, drum machines
and synths to experiment with different sounds. Over the last 10 years and especially during
the pandemic, music production took the foreground for Fabian, allowing him to perfect his
production skills and accumulate a huge array of music which he is now ready to show to the
world. Through his studies, he has gained in depth knowledge of the relationship between
music culture and economics some of which will soon be publicised. Whilst studying, Fabian
worked for two years as a Label management assistant for Desolat with Vladimir Ivkovic who
was coincidentally his childhood record dealer. Following that, he spent two years living in
London with his wife and is well connected in the electronic music scene there where he
would visit record stores multiple times a week. The music that he makes is inspired by his
love of windsurfing in storms and much of the energy that he feels when surfing is
transformed into a never ending groove through his music. Keep your eyes peeled for him in
2024 when he will be returning to the dancefloor as a DJ, to share some of his new beats.